Welcome to Intelact International
Company Overview
Intelact International specialises in international farm project management including intensive dairy, beef or grain production. Our expertise covers the full spectrum of business development, starting from the pre-feasibility analysis, right through to the end goal of milk, meat or arable production - a total turnkey solution. Intelact International also specialises in exporting of livestock, feed and other agricultural products from New Zealand and Asia Pacific. We bring together the hands-on and practical expertise of international consultants whose combined experience in intensive feedlot, pastoral and crop production farming, gives Intelact International the ability to implement modern and profitable farming business practices to current and future clients anywhere in the world.
Total Farm Solutions
Intelact International provides a total agri-business solution package integrating one or more of the following competencies:
Project feasibility or due diligence involving market evaluation, land and climate suitability for livestock enterprises and crop production
Dairy confinement and beef feedlot design for optimum efficiency and animal comfort
Design and implementation of least cost animal rations appropriate for the climate and by- product availability
Development of Standard Operating Procedures for all aspects of farm management operations
World leading sustainable and efficient crop production, agronomy and irrigation management practices, including the instigation and utilisation of controlled traffic, no-till and strip tillage cropping principals
Equipment, machinery and technology advice including milking systems and agriculture equipment utilising Precision Agriculture technology
Development of best practice silage and hay production with a focus on forage yield and quality
Organisational structure, staff requirements and on-going and hands on staff training
Feed, forage and by-product availability and supply consistency analysis
Onsite project management and operational support for both livestock and crop production
On-going oversight of management processes and procedures
Livestock, semen and embryo exports
Building Design Solutions
Our consultant partners specialise in building and facility designs, animal waste management processes, and animal comfort systems. We have a strong expertise in building design and management of animal heat stress in intensive operations.