Projects in Russia
Russia - Project A
A Vladivostok based company have recently secured the distribution rights to Pioneer corn hybrids for the Russia Far East . Pioneer Hi-Breed International, a DuPont company, is the largest seed company in the world. Our expertise in sales, marketing, research and agronomy will assist the Vladivostok company to grow the pioneer brand, while at the sames time, supporting those farmers planting Pioneer corn hybrids with sound, sustainable and profitable cropping practices.

Russia - Project B
Situated in the south western part of Russia, this 17,000 ha farm is situated in a very warm growing region with deep black soils. Three farms make up the 17,000ha, with 600 – 700km distance between two of the farms. The farm runs a grain and piggery operation, with a significant amount of the grain being fed back to the piggery. The cropping operation currently uses a large fleet of modern agriculture equipment. Crops grown include cereals, corn, sunflowers, soybeans and field peas. Because grain quality is paramount to achieving optimum growth rates for those pigs going to market, a particular emphasis is placed on management practices that influence grain quality.
With a 3-year contract, Intelact International’s role includes identifying and initiating crop production practices that increase grain yield and quality while reducing input costs per unit of grain produced. A particular focus for Intelact International will be the introduction of starter fertiliser application with the planters, conserving soil moisture through the introduction of reduced tillage and strip till, and the use of telematics to manage and optimise in-field equipment operations. Other agronomic practices will also be reviewed including nitrogen application techniques and the strategic use of fungicides to manage plant diseases.

Deep black soils, long warm summers and reliable rainfall are perfect conditions for achieving excellent dryland grain yields. Conserving soil moisture through reduced tillage practices and strategically placing fertiliser, along with other agronomic practices, should result in improved grain yield and quality.
Russia - Project C
Situated south west of Moscow, a 130,000 ha Russian owned farming and dairy operation sought international investors to assist them with the modernisation, intensification and expansion of land currently producing crops. Intelact International’s role in this project was to assist the potential investor with due diligence. With its head office in Asia, Intelact International’s client is a large agriculture commodity trader, which has a focus on becoming more vertically integrated through investment in farming partnerships. As an outcome of this investigation, the Asian company became a major shareholder in the Russian farm. This company’s objectives are to now expand the amount of land currently producing crops and to increase the dairy side of the business. Significant opportunities exist to increase grain yield and milk production, which will benefit the local community and beyond.